Yogurt is easily one of the healthiest snack options that you can eat. It is packed with protein (great for those who count their macros), usually low in sugar, and rich in healthy fats.
My choice? Thermaque’s digital thermometer at Amazon.
Because of that, it is no wonder that yogurt has become such a popular snack option.
Unfortunately, yogurt is becoming unbelievably expensive, so it isn’t really a snack that everybody can spend the amount of money it costs to eat it on a daily basis.
An acceptable alternative to purchasing yogurt by the boatload is to make your own yogurt at home. Personally, this is an option I like a little better for a couple of different reasons. First, it cost much less money than the packaged stuff. Second, and more importantly in my view, it gives you more control over what you put into your body.
Thinking of making some healthy homemade candy too? Check out these thermometers as well.
In order to make yogurt properly, you will need some tools, one of which is a thermometer to make sure you have the milk at the proper temperatures during the different steps of making yogurt.
Today we will look at a few different thermometers that are perfect for making yogurt.
Instant Read Digital Thermometer
Sure, this is billed as a meat thermometer, but it will work just as well for making yogurt. It has a stainless steel clip on the probe so that you can connect it to your pot to monitor the temperature of your milk the entire time you are making your batch.
Need a meat thermometer? Check out these suggestions.
It reads temperatures from -40 to 450 degrees F. The Instant Read thermometer is a digital thermometer that uses a single LR44 battery, which comes included with your purchase.
The large LCD display is easy to read and shows the temperature of your milk quickly; it is also water resistant (no need to worry about the display being damaged from the steam). The probe is the perfect size for medium to larger sized pots. The thermometer can read both Celsius and Fahrenheit.
Should you get this thermometer?
This is clearly a good thermometer for multiple uses, and that is why I would recommend it to anyone needing a thermometer for making yogurt. It is capable of reading a wide range of temperatures making it useful in several moments.
If you’re looking for an insta-read thermometer, find a few awesome ones here.
Thermaque Digital Candy Thermometer Whisk for Chocolate, Icing Creamer, Yogurt, Sauces, and Homemade Soup
This two-in-one whisk thermometer from Thermaque reads the temperature of your yogurt (or other recipes) within one to four seconds and has a 12-inch length which makes storage a snap. It uses a lithium 1 x CR2032 battery that comes included with the thermometer when you purchase it. It also has a 1.5 inch temperature display in both Fahrenheit and Celsius which is very easy to read.
The Thermaque measures temperatures ranging from -22 degrees Fahrenheit all the way to 623 degrees Fahrenheit. Its two-in-one design means you can use the attached whisk to continuously stir your food while it cooks, meaning you can keep an eye on the temperature of your recipe while not risking burning your food while you test its temperature.
It is made from high-quality polished stainless steel, making it extremely durable, and not at all sensitive to heat (in the sense that it won’t melt). You can also use this thermometer to measure the temperature of meat, chocolate, icing, creamer, sauces, gravies, and thickening soup.
Should you get this thermometer?
I would say this thermometer is one of the better ones you can find for what we are using it for. I really like that it has the detachable whisk, which will make continuously stirring your delicate foods while testing the temperature a breeze. I also like that its 12-inch length makes it fit in your silverware drawer.
Euro Cuisine TM26 Thermometer
This is a great thermometer for measuring the temperature of yogurt. It is small, compact, and will fit into any pot you are cooking with. It even has a pocket case included with your purchase.
It has a dial on the top that will display temperatures ranging from 60 degrees Fahrenheit to 220 degrees Fahrenheit. You can also re-calibrate it by simply twisting the hexagonal hub using a pair of pliers.
This also has a clip that you can use to hold the thermometer to the pan the yogurt is being cooked in.
Should you get this thermometer?
The Euro Cuisine TM26 is a thermometer that is specifically geared toward making yogurt. It isn’t capable of reading a large range of temperatures compared to the others we looked at, but that isn’t necessary for what we are using it for.
I wouldn’t say that the clip is handy on this because the probe is a little on the shorter side. Because of that, if you do use this thermometer I would recommend making your yogurt in a shallow pot.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the measurement range?
This depends on the type of the thermometer you get.
The battery powered thermometers are able to read a higher temperature because they are not restricted by the space on the display in the same way.
Some argue that the dial on the non-digital thermometers like the Euro Cuisine are more accurate, so if you don’t trust the technology inside the digital thermometers like the Spirit the Euro Cuisine may be for you!
The digital thermometer listed here can measure temperatures from -58°F to +572°F, while the non-digital one can only read temperatures from 60°F to 220°F.
Do I have to hold the thermometer?
Holding a thermometer over a pot of hot liquid can be dangerous, uncomfortable, and tedious.
The Spirit Thermometer comes with a clip to hold the thermometer to the side of the pot so you don’t have to hold it yourself, unfortunately the Euro cuisine does not and you have to hold it.
If this is a big deal to you, then go with the Spirit Thermometer for your convenience.
I was told metal will eliminate the bacteria in the yogurt, but every thermometer I find is metal it seems. Is this a myth?
This is 100% a myth. Most thermometers are going to be metal to be able to withstand the temperatures you want to measure.
I’m not sure where this yogurt myth came from, but it’s false, so don’t worry about your yogurt getting killed by the metal thermometer.
It’s important to keep an eye on the temperature of the yogurt, as if it overheats it can ruin all the hard work you put in to making yourself a tasty treat!
Is it dishwasher safe?
Never put a thermometer in the dishwasher, digital or otherwise.
Of course a digital thermometer will get ruined in the dishwasher. If you put the non-digital thermometer in the dishwasher it can ruin the dial and its ability to read temperature accurately.
Simply wash the thermometer with a bit of soap and hot water, wipe it dry and put it away!
What are the dimensions?
The Digital thermometer is a 9.4 inches long! This one will work best with a deeper pot and provide a more accurate temperature. The handle is less than an inch in each direction.
The Euro Cuisine is 6 inches long, a few inches shorter than the Spirit thermometer and better for shallow pots. If you try to use this on in a deep pot you have the issue of it not reaching the center of the liquid. The dial is about 2 inches across, making it easy to read.
Wrap – Up
Making yogurt from home is a good way to save money and have more control over what you put into your body. There is a steep learning curve, but getting a thermometer that is accurate and consistent enough to keep track of the milk temperature will make it much easier for you.
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Image credit via Flickr Creative Commons: Rebecca S.
David learned to cook at an early age after his mother told him that he couldn't live on pizza forever, Dave uses his modest kitchen skills to recreate sorely-missed recipes from home and to occasionally make new favorite ones from places he is visiting.